Corporate Social Responsibility

At Perfect Hexagon, we conduct our business with honesty, integrity and truthfulness. The notion of corporate social responsibility is at the core of business operations in Perfect Hexagon. Our screening procedures, pre-signing due diligence and proactive project supervision help ensure that the companies we work with conduct their operations to universally acceptable standards.
The world of tomorrow will inherit the children of today. We envision to build a future for talents to shine. Believing in the value of nurturing talents for the future market, Perfect Hexagon has donated to Tsinghua University to sponsor the tertiary education of deserving students.

Complying with the international standards of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) are of top priority to the team. Our employees undergo rigorous and consistent training to stay abreast of market changes and regulations of the relevant governing bodies. We ensure that all precious metals held for customers meet the London Good Delivery standard established by the London Bullion Market Association for gold and silver bars and the London Platinum and Palladium Market for platinum and palladium bars.