Our vision is of an increasingly interconnected and prosperous world in which commodities pass seamlessly from their points of origin to points of need.

We connect producers and end-users of commodities by performing transformations in space, time and form.  We use our market knowledge, logistics and infrastructure:

  • to move physical commodities from places where they are abundant to where they are in demand (space).
  • to store physical commodities while supply is unusually high and release inventories at time of high demand (time).
  • to blend physical commodities to alter their quality or grade according to customer specifications (form).


We negotiate offtake agreements with oil producers, refiners, mining companies and smelters. We invest in logistics that improve market access for our suppliers.


We store petroleum products at owned and third-party tankage. We store metals and minerals at Impala Terminals and third-party-owned.


We blend physical commodities to regional, market and customer specifications in strategically located terminals and warehouses around.


We operate efficient, safe and high-quality logistics. We move commodities by barge, truck, rail, pipeline and vessel in support of our core trading activities and for third parties.